... That would be your case number. Dude seriously this is your 3rd thread about a command you want to be spoon fed to you. You need to do 1 of the following:Wait where does it say that you have to say :Rentjetpack?
R63 is outdated, should use R63BI'm not wasting days on my vps
Easily possible bro.
if(Session.GetHabbo().Credits < 100){
Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("Transaction Canceled, not enough credits");
return true;
class4.GetClient().GetHabbo().GetEffectsInventoryComponent().method_2(<effect number>, true);
Take Credits/Update Credits:
Session.GetHabbo().Credits -= 100;
Session.GetHabbo().Shout(Session.GetHabbo().Username + " has purchased a jetpeck");
Session.GetHabbo().Say(Session.GetHabbo().Username + " has bought a Jetpack");
Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("You just purchased a Jetpack for 100c");
return false;