| Туториал | Добавление русского языка/кириллицы в ваш отель( чат) / | Tutorial | Adding Russian / Cyrillic to your hotel (chat)


New Member
Jul 16, 2019
Многие задаются вопросом , как же добавить русский язык. Некоторые добиваются этим , просто заменяя название фонтов в Swix и через галку (костыль) дают возможность . Но как сделать нормальный русский язык без костылей и тд.
Что для этого требуется ?
- Сам Habbo.SWF
- jpexs decompiler
- Swixx
(Сыллки вы найдете в интернете , нет смысла вам выкладывать . Люди вы самостоятельные )
Переходим к делу.
1. Сам Font чата находится под номером 60 или вторая строчка в swixx . Мы берем Jpexs и вставляем туда кирилицу с любого font . (если нет , то моя вязучая рука выбрала тогда сразу же font с поддержкой UTF-8 потыкаете крч )
2. Остальные fonts мы меняем на Russian в Swixx или в томже Jpexs заменяя nametag.
Префект у вас есть русский язык . Добро пожаловать в клуб знающих. ( Если Swixx не октрывает swf , юзайте jpexs должно помочь )

| Tutorial | Adding Russian / Cyrillic to your hotel (chat)

Thought id bang that in google translate so it'd make some sense to 99% of the people here.
Many people wonder how to add the Russian language. Some achieve this by simply replacing the name of the fonts in Swix and through the daw (crutch) give an opportunity. But how to make a normal Russian language without crutches, etc.
What is required for this?
- Habbo.SWF itself
- jpexs decompiler
- Swixx
(You will find links on the Internet, it makes no sense to spread it. You are independent people)
Let's get down to business.
1. The chat font itself is at number 60 or the second line in swixx. We take Jpexs and insert Cyrillic from any font there. (if not, then my viscous hand chose then immediately a font with UTF-8 support poke the crp)
2. The rest of the fonts we change to Russian in Swixx or in the same Jpexs replacing nametag.
Prefect you have Russian. Welcome to the club of knowledgeable. (If Swixx doesn't open swf, use jpexs should help)
Last edited:


Oh hot damn. This is my jam.
Jun 28, 2011
| Tutorial | Adding Russian / Cyrillic to your hotel (chat)

Thought id bang that in google translate so it'd make some sense to 99% of the people here.
Many people wonder how to add the Russian language. Some achieve this by simply replacing the name of the fonts in Swix and through the daw (crutch) give an opportunity. But how to make a normal Russian language without crutches, etc.
What is required for this?
- Habbo.SWF itself
- jpexs decompiler
- Swixx
(You will find links on the Internet, it makes no sense to spread it. You are independent people)
Let's get down to business.
1. The chat font itself is at number 60 or the second line in swixx. We take Jpexs and insert Cyrillic from any font there. (if not, then my viscous hand chose then immediately a font with UTF-8 support poke the crp)
2. The rest of the fonts we change to Russian in Swixx or in the same Jpexs replacing nametag.
Prefect you have Russian. Welcome to the club of knowledgeable. (If Swixx doesn't open swf, use jpexs should help)


New Member
Jul 16, 2019
Great translation! And non? Lol. Had a guy asking me this before. Made no sense to me til now. +1
You have problem to add other language in your hotel ? Tutorial help adding other language to . Replace name font in your language .

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