
  1. Dec

    Free website templates for game servers

    Here's some templates for free theyre all essentially the same im using them all for hosting my game servers if you want the front end you can take it! Previews on the github page!
  2. Dec

    [ClipstoneZombies] Call Of Duty Laravel CMS using Livewire & Faliment for admin panel With integrated console & rcon commands to the server!

    A new cms for call of duty plutonium servers built with laravel (v11) using livewire (v3) and faliment (v3)admin packages! Might release it once its finished with a different frontend to my own! Features: 1. Automatic payments for selling ranks and other items from your store (only supports...
  3. Dec

    [Clipstone] Discord bot built with python for plutonium call of duty servers using a mysql database

    A discord bot for the vanilla pack i gave away but you can edit it for anything you might need Github: Github Repo
  4. Dec

    [Clipstone] Full vanilla call of duty plutonium server setup with files

    Has working stats counter and high round tracker that works for all maps, Also needs a web server to host the files locally for the http requests! Github videos of the scripts: if you need help setting them up contact me in these places below: Discord Twitter
  5. Dec

    [Clipstone] Looking For Plutonium Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 & Black Ops 1 Staff And Discord Staff

    Clipstone is recruiting! With the revamp of the Clipstone Plutonium Call Of Duty Servers & The discord, We're once again looking for some cool individuals to help moderate and make sure everything is running smoothly within the Clipstone community! Here's somethings you might be doing if you...
  6. Dec

    [ShowCase] A better Plutonium Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies score multiplier by player action

    Gives the player score multiplied by level for each action like, Bullet hit, Melee hit etc.
  7. Dec

    [Plutonium] Score multiply if not a headshot on a zombie

    I'm aware that its kind of stupid since even i go for headshots when killing zombies but i figured id give this away as it works and ive made a new one which does work with headshots etc so i guess maybe it can point you in the right direction of what to do! killing a zombie as long as its not...
  8. Dec

    [ShowCase] Clipstone Plutonium Black Ops 2 Zombies Quests (Updated) for all players

    Commands: Video's Showcase:
  9. Dec

    [ShowCase] Plutonium score multiplier / Give player more score per kill multiplied by level

    Every kill gives you 10 x level, 10 x 100 = 1000 as per the preview video!
  10. Dec

    [ShowCase] Plutonium Black Ops 2 Auto Translation Of In-Game Texts

    Instead of just letting my players translate their own texts in-game using command .translate i decided to make it easier for them to understand how my scripts work by adding auto translation to the in-game texts like help texts, welcome texts etc here's some videos below to show you how it...
  11. Dec

    [Plutonium T6/BO2] Disable Persistant Upgrades In Black Ops 2 Zombies

    Disable the persistant upgrades like free PHD and Sniper damage that gives more points GitHub: Disable Persistant Upgrades (Perma Perks)
  12. Dec

    [Plutonium T6/BO2] Enabled RCON Messages

    One of plutoniums past updates made RCON messages not show by default, If you use t6 utils you can enable them again whenever starting your server up without doing it manually every refresh! GitHub: Enable RCON Messages
  13. Dec

    [Plutonium T6/BO2] Removal of the ingame teller bank for modded servers with their own chatbank system

    Best thing to do with this would be to have a seperate load folder for plutonium i have mine as follows /vanilla /modded /modded_bank_removed this script makes the teller bank do nothing, since plutoniums teller bank is universal between all servers going to an OP server then to a none OP...
  14. Dec

    [Plutonium] Black Ops 2 .translate any language for different language players showcase

    A translating language command for plutonium black ops 2 zombie servers command usage .translate <SourceLanguage> <TargetLanguage> <MessageToTranslate>
  15. Dec

    [Clipstone] Plutonium T6 HTTP request to website vote example using GSC and PHP

    Command usage: .vote Sends a http post request to a domain/website from the server when a player uses the command GitHub link: GitHub Video of the process:
  16. Dec

    [Clipstone] Give/Sell players a nickname for plutonium t6/black ops 2 servers

    Gives a player a file where you can set custom nicknames for them and they will display in game instead of their original name! GitHub Link: NickName.gsc
  17. Dec

    [Clipstone] Player pay check for plutonium black ops 2 servers

    Will give the player $10 x their rank every 1s/1.5s/2s depending on their paid rank GitHub Link: PlayerPayCheck
  18. Dec

    [Clipstone] Lock Server Command Script For Plutonium Black Ops 2 Zombie Servers

    Locks the current server session behind a password so people cant join high rounds aswell as other players who get disconnected or have bad wifi can join back again with the password that has been set! .lockserver <password> Costs $10,000 unless you change it! Has to be on or over round 30...
  19. Dec

    [New Clipstone] Compiled version of ClipstoneRP for BlackOps2

    I lost the source to it like an idiot but is what it is, I wanted to make a somewhat of a roleplay server for black ops 2 heres whats in it: 1. Working all time stats script. 2. NickNames. 3. Instead of clantags i used full names so has a working level system up to level 65 like bo2 multiplayer...
  20. Dec

    [Plutonium T6/BO2] Slot Machines with perk machine models for black ops 2

    Press F to use machine and it'll roll in chat and tell u if u win or not! they were originally for the map town but i changed them to prison with electric cherry model instead Video of how it works Github: slotMachines.gsc