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    FluxRP Emu - User connected in other place ERROR

    Hey, I have a big problem with the FluxRP Emulator. Some of my users have many disconnects in a row and sometimes they lose there money after... Now i would like to ask if someone knows this issue and can tell me how to fix that. Emulator: http://imgur.com/a/RHdf2 Exceptionslog: Bug during...
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    Hey guys, I use the FluxRP CMS with the FluxRP Emu (PlusEmu). Everything is working fine when i use my server ip. If i want to use my proxy ip in the client.php the client loads till 76% and stuck. client.php: (CMS) "connection.info.host" : "proxyIP", "connection.info.port" : "proxyPORT"...
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    $ $ $ - OFFER: Good money for little work - $ $ $

    Hey guys, yeah, you read right! I need to have made a few little things! I will pay for it! (PAYPAL) (after work) Now what: FluxRP CMS - Homepage : - Only redesign a few things ! (Screen how i would like to have after someone pn me for this) FluxRP Emulator & Client : - Status Bar (Health...