I know all of you have heard the 76% error loads of times before, but this is new to my eyes. whenever i try to debug it wont load more than 76%
Works completly fine before debug....
Any help would mean alot! thanks!
Hey there i need some help
$db['host'] = 'idk'; //Mysql's Host
$db['port'] = '3306'; //Mysql's port
$db['user'] = "root"; //Mysql's user
$db['pass'] = 'iknow'; //Mysql's password
$db['db'] = "iknow"; //Mysql's database
what should i put into host because im using different...
Hi, I've recently set up a hotel, I'm using a TCP reverse proxy. I've managed to get it configured and working to the point that users can log into the client fine. The issue however is that each user is shown as connecting through the same IP. I was wondering it it's possible to show the actual...
Looking for a fix for this as well :/ Please help..
<rule name="Habbo Imaging Group Badges">
<match url="^habbo-imaging/badge/([^/]+)" ignoreCase="false" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge={R:1}" appendQueryString="false" />
I am having an issue where if i try to create a room it redirect to /me, Cata is also blank. Help would be much appreciated!
If you need any images or videos reply to this post!
Using Plus emulator with Brain CMS.