
  1. funkystrainz

    Xampp ase URL Rewrite for index w/ dashboard *& error

    Hello Habbo Community of DevBest, I'd like to be able to access the content in the ase folder included in the CMS I am using, as a more secure login for people with more valuable positions in the community. (Staff, developers, etc.) I have read over threads where I've seen people talk about...
  2. R

    [Solved] Housekeeping; Error: Something was missing [FIX]

    Hello! Currently I'm wondering if anyone has a fix for my hk (RevCMS - Cabbo Edit). So it seems that I have fixed the " You do not have the right access level". However, I am running into a " Error: Something was missing.. " now. I have found the file where that error sprouts from; it says that...