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  1. Nickolas


    Ive looked through the code and i would have talked it down as too simple but you said its a starter, thus i approve. Its a very nice start for new web developers and could help alot of newbies out there make their own sites without too much pain and hassle. Would of helped me alot when i was...
  2. Nickolas


    As of now there are no screen shots, but i will post code snippets very soon. Give me a couple hours and there will be some up.
  3. Nickolas


    gEneralUserSystem What is gEneralUserSystem? gEneralUserSystem is a PHP and MySql based user system intended to be used by web developers to help them develop their site. How much does it cost? It is absolutely free. I charge nothing for these kinds of scripts because i like to help people...
  4. Nickolas

    [DEV] [PHP/OOP] mUserSystem

    Maybe add a simple forum, and staff ranks.