Search results

  1. Xlegs

    Sims 3/ Sims4

    What do you People think sims 3 has to offer. More then sims 2 which i know. But there are some stuff i will love to see in Sims 3 like Seasons and Business. They were my Favourite packs in sims 2. Anywho I've been playing sims 3 on my ps3 and I think its awesome. I was talking to a girl on a...
  2. Xlegs

    Help! Why can't I stack?

    This really bugs me. I own a hotel and whatever i do i can only stack 2 things at a time and thats it. I'm trying to make my rooms look so cool and for some reason i can't stack. my stacking skilsl are awesome but i just can't stack and i'm the owner. and btw the hotels oldschool v18. I know...
  3. Xlegs

    How to you make Custom DCRS?

    Ok i run a v18 hotel but its starting to get a little boring. I want to change it around a little and have custom badges and more custom furni. But i've looked everywhere on how to make then but ither they are outdated or confuseing. If anyone can help me please post below and i'm thinking of...
  4. Xlegs

    What did you get for Christmas?

    I want to know what you got. Heres some things i got. Deep Fryer Saints Row 3 for PS3 Sims 3 for PS3 Word Records 2012 Racing Car Boxers $80 EB Games Card. Linx Spray Mario Karts Wii GTA ChinaTown wars for Nintendo DS But i own a DSI but it works the same. Mario Kart DS A LCD TV by AWA My Sims...
  5. Xlegs

    [Request] Need Habb layout

    I need a Habbo layout for my Retro. Sorry if this is the wrong place to place it but i really need it. I need a habbo oldschoo layout from like 2001-2007 please. IF you are able to give me a fully working one I will make you Admin on my Hotel. Please its a Request and its Urgent. Please PM me...
  6. Xlegs

    Morteen to Kill Louie the Fly off

    Yes its ture. ITs a real pain i think. hes been around for years and Morteen wants to kill their big Fly off. I think hes great and he has the right not to be killed off. Hope he stays but i think he will have to go. If you are from Austraila then you should know this Fly
  7. Xlegs

    What do you Do in life?

    I want to know what happens in your life. if its bad or good it don't matter. I just want to know how people manage to keep their life working 100% I don't have much else to day. But I'm a guy that does Gardens in life. And i make games and webpages etc.
  8. Xlegs

    What do you think of todays Entertainment?

    I don't know what to say but with the world looking like the future (well it don't look like that yet) But Tv's have come along way from being just plain to smart Tvs. Samsung i think or is it LG has made something called "Smart Tv" and if anyone of you people have it. I would love to hear...
  9. Xlegs

    Post Your Jokes

    Yes i'm in the mood for some jokes. Just post some in this thread. and we shall see if they are funny :) I'm not good with jokes but if i was to try i might muck my self up. So i wanna hear your jokes and see if they are Funny.
  10. Xlegs


    SlingUped. I haven't seen you since yesterday and i want to know whats going on. I want to get on your hotel but i'm having trouble still. If you can find this let me know. I really want to play your hotel.
  11. Xlegs

    PS4, Xbox760 Will it ever happen.

    I want to have your thoughts on PS4 and Xbox720. Stuff like will it ever come out - Yes in years to come and what will it look like? What can you do on it etc.
  12. Xlegs

    Bring Back Working Loader

    i miss it. Sure it stoped working back in 09 -10 but if they manage to find or code a working one that would be cool. this time it should have a hotel view chooser and stuf. and bring back the easy loader too. it will be really handly. and most loaders that are oldschool stoped working today :(...
  13. Xlegs

    Broken loader.

    ok i've been useing this hotel loader for a bit on my hotel. I came back at 7pm to find out it loads up with adobe shockwave and then goes black. my mate and i was on it at 3pm today and it was working fine. But for some reason its not working. and no its nothing to do with updating adobe. i...