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  1. M

    Starting a Retro from scratch.

    I seem to break my server everytime I try and switch over to something different haha. I'll see if I can find any decent tutorials for switching over!
  2. M

    Starting a Retro from scratch.

    I was going to post these via a PM but i'll do it here for the reference of anyone else; 1. Is there an easier way to edit catalogue items for each rank, aside from going through the database and doing it manually? 2. I'm using Pheonix for my server as it came pre installed. What CMS would you...
  3. M

    Starting a Retro from scratch.

    Thanks for the quick reply, I really appreciate it. I've been trawling the forums, with my server coming pre-installed I'm struggling to find my way around haha. Are you free for a couple of questions?
  4. M

    Starting a Retro from scratch.

    Hi folks, hope you're all well. I've recently returned back to this "industry" if you like. Thinks have moved on a LONG Way since I last dabbled in creating and hosting servers. I am looking at creating a hotel, with essentially zero knowledge. Now, I know you'll see these posts all the time...