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  1. dimitrisbey

    The worst emulator ever: PLUS EMULATOR

    heeyy, guys. I have an amazing pack and it works well, but when I try to rebuild it to change some text descriptions of a command, it gives many errors. I think the guy who coded the plus emulator was blind or something... Can I change the texts of a command without rebuild it???
  2. dimitrisbey

    IP Hider

    Hi guys, we opened a hotel with my friend and in the first day we attacked with DDoS, can someone give me an IP hider script and say how the hell does it work? I do not have money, so I typed here for help.
  3. dimitrisbey

    Slopt Emulator Soccer.cs Error

    Hi guys, when I do rebuild my emulator it gives these errors: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'RoomUser' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Slopt...
  4. dimitrisbey

    Retro Pack

    Hi guys, can someone give mi a pack which can I create a retro of Hamachi and can rebuild the emulator. Every pack I install, emulator rebuilding does not work.
  5. dimitrisbey

    Emulator Problem

    Hi guys, I created a Habbo Retro from @SentimentalX and everything is ok, but when I change AlertCommand.cs and build emulator, the game allways stucks at 76%, when I use the first emulator's copy everything is fine, how can I fix that problem?
  6. dimitrisbey

    Did Build, Nothing Changed.

    Hey guys, I learned to rebuild emulator, I did open PlusEmulator.sln with Visual Studio and went to HabboHotel > ... > ... > AlertCommand.cs and changed the messages, then clicked Start and waited, then emulator opened and I went to hotel. But nothing changed, I type :alert and it shows me the...
  7. dimitrisbey

    Problem 76%...

    All of my friends who are trying to join my hotel with LogMeIn Hamachi, stuck in 76%, they tried to clear caches, join to hotel with incognito but it did not work, any help?
  8. dimitrisbey

    Landing View

    Hi guys, I know how to edit the pictures on landing view, but I do not know how to edit the texts, in the external_variables they don't exist. I asked my friend and he said that you can do it from the db. Can you help?
  9. dimitrisbey

    Wrong Link

    Hi guys, I made a retro. And I have a problem, I need to fix it. Please help me, what should I do to solve that when I type my ip, it should go to "" or "", but it shows the IP twice, and goes to "" or...