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  1. F

    *NEW* Flava Burger (HABBURGER) UPDATED

    Alright, so a friend of mine said his only memory of habbo as a kid was the Habburger. So I took it upon myself to recreate it in 2019 based off of this picture: My recreation isnt perfect, and you'll probably see why. If you have any fix for this...
  2. F

    Lobby not working

    Okay, so I've made my own custom lobby.png, I manage to get the picture ingame and everything, but it keeps getting placed below the floor. How do I avoid this happening?
  3. F

    Can't connect.

    Hello, My hotel was fully working yesterday, but today when I tried to log in I just got redirected to the /me page. Everyone else can connect to it, it's just me it doesn't work for. I tried connecting through the VPN and through my own computer but I still cant connect. What could the issue be?
  4. F

    PlusEMU error:

    errors: [ERROR] Couldn't load catalogue item (item number) no furniture record found. This is the error I get when trying to load in to my hotel, I get launched straight back to the index. I've used Furnicreator to generate the Queries and Furnidata. INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (`id`...