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  1. durops

    WIRED and Catalogue problem

    Checked the client, It uses the config file as reference for the swf's links, so it isn't that. I'm using PlusEMU Release 2, created the db and the sql files import in this order: plusemu original db sql -> behaviour changes sqsl -> slopt cms sql
  2. durops

    WIRED and Catalogue problem

    Thank you, I'll try the fix. By the way, don't you guys have any link to a SWF Pack, that could work good on Plus Emu, and Slopt CMS? Maybe mine are deprecated, or they were corrupt, because I can't find any other explanation why some furnis and images don't load. I checked like 20 times the...
  3. durops

    WIRED and Catalogue problem

    It's suposed to be the default version, I downloaded it from a tutorial in this forum.
  4. durops

    WIRED and Catalogue problem

    I checked again the swf's, changed some issues I found, but still the same thing. And for the Wired, I had the table in the db.
  5. durops

    WIRED and Catalogue problem

    Hello there, like I said in the title, I have 2 issues. The first one occurs when someone places Wired furnis, this pop-ups on the emu: And after that, they can't enter the room. The second one is about the rooms layouts, and the furnis icons. This happens: I think is an SWF's problem, but...