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  1. B

    [plusemu] client does not load but redirects. Need help...

    It would have to be a download link for that as it is too big for pastebin. @cammy I have done that and still the same issue, thanks for spotting that. It must of been when I was changing a lot of the ips from...
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    [plusemu] client does not load but redirects. Need help...

    This is what I get from F12 and using client?disconnected on the client.fatal.error.url
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    [plusemu] client does not load but redirects. Need help...

    It does not come up with any on the emulator but it is connected to the DB and it is ready, you go on to the site itself that is within the htdocs and sign in then go on to the client it loads up with the loading bar and then redirects to when it reaches 100% and a slight see in to...
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    [plusemu] client does not load but redirects. Need help...

    I had a working hotel and in my head I messed up as something was not working then got it fixed then something else so was looking for a new emulator and cms but accidentally deleted the working one. Re downloaded everything again and setting it back up but now the client is not loading up at...
  5. B

    Missing shop icons + need other help

    Thanks for the reply costello and the shop item icons have been fixed my someone who contacted me on discord. Ideally I could do with someone who is willing to and help out on the development of this server to the best of their abilities as I have said previously it is going to be for friends...
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    Missing shop icons + need other help

    Hello there, I am quite new to the habbo hotel but a bunch of my friends said about making one so I looked in to it and got a working server but the problem is on the client catalog items are not showing any images at all but they do work. Other issues I am having is the staff page where staff...