Search results

  1. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a Dedicated Developer!

    Hi everyone, My friend and I are looking for a dedicated developer, as we are looking to setup a retro within the next few days and need someone with sufficient experience to setup and maintain the retro. We can take care of all costs so we would only need you to work on the hotel, everything...
  2. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a dedicated Developer!

    Please message me on Skype at 'af97_x'.
  3. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a dedicated Developer!

    Hi everyone, Me and my friend have recently opened a hotel and have been working on it for a couple of days, hence why it is so far unfinished in terms of the CMS, catalog and other issues. Now that we are open, my friend (who is also the current tech) is quite busy so will have to retire from...
  4. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a Habbo Retro Developer

    Hi everyone, I've posted this previously, however, I have altered it slightly and expect to receive more responses. I'll be straight to the point, I am planning to set up a Habbo Retro in the near future. I can handle all costs towards the hotel, as well as any graphics that would need to be...
  5. AF97_x

    Looking for a Habbo Retro Developer

    Hi everyone, I've posted this previously, however, I have altered it slightly and expect to receive more responses. I'll be straight to the point, I am planning to set up a Habbo Retro in the near future. I can handle all costs towards the hotel, as well as any graphics that would need to be...
  6. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a Habbo Retro Tech.

    I've sent you a contact request on Skype.
  7. AF97_x

    Recruiting Looking for a Habbo Retro Tech.

    Hi everyone, This is my first post on Devbest so please excuse any errors. I'll be straight to the point, my friend and I are planning to set up a Habbo Retro in the near future. Between us, we can handle all costs towards the hotel, as well as any graphics that would need to be done. We are...