It's an imaging server. You can use the avatar images anywhere, just the same way you use Habbos avatar imager link.
It's based off of Nitro Renderer, which is part of the Nitro Client, which isn't a browser, it's a flash (swf) client replacement..
Using Habbos Imager restricts you to clothing released on Habbo..
Nitro Imager is THE imager you should be using. All you have to do to make sure you have all your clothing updated is to make sure they're working in the Nitro Client. All the assets used by the imager are already being used in...
If you're looking for a tool, here's this: :)
Edit: Not actually sure if that's what you're searching for after re-reading lol..
They're the furniture icons, after re-reading, I assume you'd like the catalogue page icon? aha
Assuming the customs are made properly, they should convert just fine with the Nitro Converter. Convert the SWFs/furnidata.xml with the customs defined in there. Then use the .nitro files and the furnidata for the customs from the furnituredata.json
You can just host your website off a VPS... (or, host your website on one, the server on another).
Just change your DNS settings to your VPS IP, then use IIS.
Some webhosts don't allow remote MySQL connections anyway.
Hey guys, today I'm releasing the effects for Arcturus Morningstar, as they seem to be missing, I also released this on Discord.
After trying to figure it out for a while, I've got most of them done.
All the effects mentioned in Habbos productdata were included, it may be missing some, but...
You'll need to learn how to edit and compile the emulator.
I don't use plus, so I couldn't help you with that sorry.
Maybe someone who can could quickly do it for you, compile it and give you a server with it in there.
I'm not asking if your word filters enabled. This has nothing to do with the word filter.
HTML code in chat is not allowed, so its removed by default by the server - again, this has nothing to do with the wordfilter.
When you want to write a link, you just have to type, do NOT...
thinking this is the second solution of mine i've found today LOL.
but - here are the actual SQL you should run.
ALTER TABLE users ADD google_secret_code VARCHAR(200) NULL;
ALTER TABLE users ADD 2fa_status int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
Notice to everyone who finds this: It's in the BrainSQL...
late reply, but if you still need help, he said the code checks to see if it starts with "http" not <a href="">... Did you just try and see if that get's turned into a link..?
filtering html means "<a href="">" and "</a>" gets removed and all you're left...
cool to see my answer helped someone else, I posted this on rz :p.
it's not the only way to fix it though.
1: create a new registration page where users can choose their own outfit ( this would then be $_POST['avatar']; )
2: continuing using this fix
3: in brain-config, it has: "...
the same way you host any php file on a website lol? :S
i'm not talking about servers or anything, I just want the website running.. is that not possible? lol
I'm trying to use my own domain.. not xampp or iis. I already have it working on xampp already but I'm wanting to host it off my website. It's giving me errors on my domain, xampp works fine..
I get 500 Internal Server Error.
If I remove "RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(|/)$ index.php?url=$1" from the htaccess, it will then give me 404 Not Found errors.
Everything is in my public_html (on my website, not looking for help with localhost).
Hey guys.
I have revcms running on xampp 1.7.4 without any problems, but as soon as i put it on my domain, it's throwing internal server errors.
Is anyone available to maybe help me try to solve this? Sorry there's not a lot of information... idk what's going on :l