Search results

  1. M

    [CATALOGUE] Spaces problem

    Hello, I know some people have an issue with the 'Spaces' section in the Catalogue. I kinda found a reason why this is happening but I don't know myself how to exactly fix it. When looking at the database, I tried creating a new record for Spaces. When doing so I forgot to change the layout to...
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    [CATALOGUE] Can't purchase certain items

    Hello, I've noticed this error with the HC Chair on my server but some other users are coming to me with other items that this error/problem is coming up with. When you purchase the HC Chair,the "Confirm Purchase" window will freeze and you can't close it, press buy or cancel. You won't get...
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    [HELP] RevCMS Client Won't Load - PAGE NOT FOUND! [HELP]

    Hi. This morning I've been working on creating a RevCMS Hotel on localhost to test out room designs for the real Habbo. I'm also just testing to see if I can get it to work before I release my own retro. I have the whole CMS working and I am using a custom theme. Everything is fine until I...
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    [SERVICE] HTML/CSS Designer [FREE]

    Not sure if this is the right section. Correct the error if there is one, sorry! Hi guys. I'm Metrix. I've been coding HTML + CSS for about 2-3 years now, and if I say so myself, I'm pretty good! :D So because I've got a LOT of free time, I'm willing to set up a free template-design...
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    Do you guys think this is secure enough?

    Got bored out my tits. <?php $x="password"; $decievingSALT="asfasfoahoheoighwoiehgoiwheogihwoeghowehgowheoighwoieghiop"; $secondsalt="hoiahoifeoqighoiwehgoiwehgoihweoighwoeihgowehgoiwheoghweoighowiehgoi"; $forthelolz ="YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO DECRYPT THIS. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; echo...
  6. M

    C# Code isn't updating!

    Hi guys. I'm making some edits to an open-source program I downloaded. Right now, I'm doing some basic text-output editing. When I've made an aedit, I click Save All, Build Solution then F5 to debug. However, none of my changes appear. Why is this? Thanks, Metrix
  7. M

    Trouble adding furni - PH Boxes

    Hi guys. This is my first attempt at adding furni to a v26 hotel. I'm trying to add the clothes rack.. I added all the CCTs to my current hof_furni folder, added it to the catalogue etc. In the catalogue, it shows me a mini image of the furniture, lets me buy it etc. In my hand, it shows the...
  8. M

    Why is hunger & energy not activated in my RP hotel?

    Hi guys. I've made an RP hotel, and everything's working. Just a few features are missing though. Unfortunately, the features are huge. The top bar on the client doesnt show health, hunger, energy etc etc.. all it shows is the usercount! I know it's not the server or DCRS, as I have...
  9. M

    Why's my v26 RP Hotel not loading?

    Hi guys. I've spent all night trying to make a v26 RP. Literally everything works except the cilent. I've spent ages trying to fix this to no avail. I think it's maybe the DCRs, but i'm not sure. I'm trying to host my own as prehosted ones are unreliable. What happens is when I click...
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    [HABBO] Coding Maintenance Layouts for as cheap as £1!

    Hi all. I really need some money, and I'm desperate to buy Elite on DevBest :P So i've been thinking and came to the conclusion.. what better way to make a quick buck than sell layouts? So I am going to be designing Habbo Maintenance layouts for just £1! That price will never raise (but...
  11. M

    Please stop doing this

    Please, for the love of all that is good and sacred.. Please stop putting a capital letter at the start of every word. It pisses me off so much that I shit myself a little bit for every misplaced capitalization. This Is Not How You Should Type And It Makes You Look Like A Big Retarded Noob...
  12. M

    [MINECRAFT] Self-Building House!

    Found this on YouTube and it's pretty awesome. Thought I'd share it :D (Sorry if this is the wrong section, but it doesn't seem to fit in any of the Sub-Categories of the Minecraft section)
  13. M

    [HELP] system_config Problem.

    Hi. I'm trying to set up RastaCMS & EMU on my localhost just so I can mess about a bit. When I try to load the emulator I get this: "system_config table contains invalid values for socket server configuration!" So the ports listed in my system_config are 3000 and 3001. I have portforwarded...
  14. M

    [MC] Request a Server Grief - READ!

    I BLATANTLY REFUSE TO GRIEF THE OFFICIAL DEVBEST MINECRAFT SERVER. Hi. I'm Metrix, and I've played Minecraft since before the Beta or Alpha version was released. And I have come to realise my true love. Greifing. Sounds sad, doesn't it? But it's all I get fun out of in Minecraft. I don't...