Thanks for the feedback yet again I'm sorry that i didn't sound like I was really "Into" it i was tired and I know i shouldn't use it as an excuse I will be sorting out my sleeping pattern and recording more and more With a skyblock series coming out soon as i do enjoy that as it's fun c;
Thanks for the feedback Normally my free time consists on when i'm tired and that's when i make videos which isn't good, I'm starting to fix my sleeping pattern because atm it's terrible :)
RRP is the only good released Emu at the moment There has been talks about Life Emu being released but i haven't been able to find it, The next reality release Looks Very good so maybe just wait?
Well I started making videos atleast a week ago, Mainly based on Gameplay and I'm starting skyblocks Very soon
Ok so i know I'm not the Best Minecraft player but i haven't been into it for long My friend stormflux got me into it and Now i'm kinda addicted
Give me feedback I don't mind if it's...
So iv'e just downloaded sam Broadcaster, and i'm looking for albums and iv'e downloaded the stuff i want but i want too know what you people like so can you post albums you're into so i can Get them :D