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  1. H

    How to add an easy API.

    Thanks. And what do you mean "but you add for the noobs about the congif?" -------------------------- Post merged 3 Hours 9 minutes after original post. --------------------------- I hope this helped you guys. :) -------------------------- Post merged 9 Hours 40 minutes after original post...
  2. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Cam you fail, you buy spots that are far up on thehabbos, and you just let them drop to the second page. You make me laugh.
  3. H

    How to add an easy API.

    Well I've seen alot of people having trouble with adding api's, so here's a basic code that does the exact same thing as an api would do. But all you need to do is add another page called /api.php or whatever and make that page come up when you click enter hotel. Here's the code to put on that...
  4. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Like which hotels?
  5. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    No they don't, lmfao. They only get like 250 users daily and they get 2k votes daily, that sounds right, if they sold votes they would only get like 1k or less daily.
  6. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Thread don't need to be closed, until Rasta deals with this.
  7. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Yes, but you cant type "an" word, fucking retard go back to school. Everyone knows you scam. Everyone hates you.
  8. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Unlucky Cam, maybe next time. Faggot.
  9. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    I'm not mad that Habrockz fired me, I was fired without a reason. I work for Quabbo now with Josh. Also Cam stop bullshitting, I'm not tryna fuck anyone over. You're the one who scams people money then spends it on yourself irl and to buy spots on thehabbo. Lmao.
  10. H

    issues with logging in.

    What's your acc name on thehabbos? Try using capitals, it happened to me, when i used hrcrazy but then i tried HrCrazy and it worked.
  11. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    Yup, now iFaz's spot has been sold to Globalbeta
  12. H

    iFaz Hotel's spot #16

    iFaz sold there spot to iHab, then they sold it to Globalbeta.
  13. H

    Problem when clicking on a banner?

    It happened with Habplus.
  14. H

    Problem when clicking on a banner?

    When you click on a banner on thehabbos it shows a picture of a dog and says this hotel is offline and the hotels aren't. Can you fix this please?
  15. H

    PHP Banner with Online Count ( No Other File Needed )

    I wasn't gonna use your online count, that's just an e.g
  16. H

    PHP Banner with Online Count ( No Other File Needed )

    I might sound like a noob, but is there any chance of the banner working with this code? <?php $onc = file_get_contents("http:/"); echo $onc; ?>
  17. H

    I need a banner

    I'll do it, pm me if you want me too.
  18. H

    (HABUSA) TheHabbos Account Suspended

    It's suspended because your account led to your voting page, it happened to me too, I wonder if it gets un-suspended. D: