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  1. Hitler

    Religious Debate

    I'm personally Atheist, although I believe in re-incarnation, but people are entitled to their own opinion. I don't understand how there's meant to be this one mighty guy who lives above, and the idea of going to a magical place after death is stupid. If we're all Gods children, what's so...
  2. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    Not sure if you went the whole document as in css file or index so here's both. The index.php file, <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> Ermahgerd </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/global.css"> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <div id="navbar">...
  3. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    It does the exact same as the image I posted originally, and which code? the entire css file or just the #wrapper?
  4. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    Yes, I did.
  5. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    Didn't work :(
  6. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    I tried them but it didn't help at all, it just makes everything go to the right.
  7. Hitler

    Center entire page with CSS

    Hello, I'm having troubles with centering the entire page, currently it looks like this.. I'm using a wrapper which I have everything inside of which is this (btw, I still want the two boxes in-line with each-other, just want it centered horizontally). #wrapper { margin: 0 auto...
  8. Hitler

    Are you using limehotels theme on uberhotel? if so could you possibly upload a mirror of the...

    Are you using limehotels theme on uberhotel? if so could you possibly upload a mirror of the theme if you still have it in your downloads folder :3
  9. Hitler

    What emulator should I use!?

    Hello devbest, I'm having mixed decisions over which emulator I should use for my hotel, phoenix, bfly, BCStorm, "swift", I have no idea. I guess I'm just looking for suggestions on what emulator to use. Any recommendations? Thanks, Hitler.
  10. Hitler

    Login with username OR email

    Hello, I'm not sure how I could go about allowing the user to login with their username or email. I'm think it would be something like this, but if it's wrong and you know how to fix it up, please tell me. if(isset($_POST['login'])) { $template->form->setData()...
  11. Hitler

    What PC should I get?

    Hello devbest, My very rich uncle has offered to spend 5k on a desktop for me. I need one that will allow me to play any game I desire and have a very fast processor speed for when I'm developing games and testing them out. I know I probably won't even spend 3k on a computer but I'd like to...
  12. Hitler

    [ADVICE NEEDED] The Biggest Desicion of my Life

    If you get Charmander to a high enough level before the Pewter Gym, he learns Metal Claw which is steel. Not too sure how you'd go against water with it though.
  13. Hitler

    [ADVICE NEEDED] The Biggest Desicion of my Life

    Charmander, no idea why. I've always personally chose Charmander.
  14. Hitler

    Client stays on hotel view.

    I think I'm moving ahead, but now I get this in the javascript console shortly before the client automatically reloads...
  15. Hitler

    Illumina Help

    What I'm seeing is your mysql username hasn't been entered, unless your username is blank.
  16. Hitler

    Client stays on hotel view.

    Alright, do you know the SWF build that was used for phoenix 3.11 by any chance?
  17. Hitler

    Client stays on hotel view.

    External variables (removed hotel link from it)...
  18. Hitler

    Client stays on hotel view.

    The fact that you can't use legit phoenix anymore lol? License servers are down as Aaron was issued with a court order. Also using cloudflare, if that helps.
  19. Hitler

    Client stays on hotel view.

    Hello, I'm using phoenix 3.11 cracked and the client loads 100% then stays at hotelview, 30 seconds later it redirects to /me. I've checked over the external_variables and disabled the firewall. Still nothing. The emulator does not show any errors either. I'm using Habulous RevCMS...
  20. Hitler

    Should I...?

    I'll take a look at fstorm, thanks.