Search results

  1. JasonCole

    BCSTORM sql error?

    Everytime i add a sql to my database for stuff like new furni etc i keep getting "unsuccesfully". The sql's i know are for bcstorm but it still does not work. Any suggestions?
  2. JasonCole

    R63B bcstorm catalogue

    Emu: BCSTORM LEON r63b The problem is, after creating a catalogue page and adding furni to it i keep getting disconnected when i try open the certain page. Now im 100% sure that i've set it up properly, could anyone assist?
  3. JasonCole

    Butterfly emu - Cannot create rooms.

    A problem with my hotel is you cannot create rooms. I've tried searching on google and on forums, i have found sqls to insert however it wont insert successfully. You click the button create rooms and nothing happens. Could anyone help me?
  4. JasonCole

    R63B Bcstorm - need help!

    I'm having a problem/bug where i cannot place stuff on the wall e.g windows. I am using Bcstorm emulator r63b with revcms. Nothing wall related works except wallpaper. Need help asap. Thanks,
  5. JasonCole

    CMS problems!

    Hello, I am trying to set up a hotel using revcms. However every page gets 404 - File or directory not found. Any suggestions?
  6. JasonCole

    Some furni wont load.

    After adding swf's, clearing the cache some furni still does not seem to show up? Am i doing anything wrong? I transfer from zip to hof_furni and the furni still dont work, ive tried clear cache several times but it wont help!
  7. JasonCole

    Need a full database for pheonix.

    I cant seem to find a full database that includes the latest catalogue with everything in it. Could someone find me a full database with the latest furni?
  8. JasonCole

    Updated catalog sql for Pheonix.

    I am simply finding it hard to find sql's and swf's to be able to update my catalogue to the most recent furniture etc. Could anyone help me find a pack with sql's to insert as well as SWF's for it. Thankyou.
  9. JasonCole

    CMS problem.

    Every time i try to register i get the following warning. Any idea how to fix?
  10. JasonCole

    Service Free professional logo's!

    I will be making logo's for those who need them for habbo. Here is some of my work using my hotel name. < This one wouldn't work properly, wont be pixelated like this do not worry. If your interested in having a similar logo please request one below with your hotel name and upload any...
  11. JasonCole

    Can someone please help me, urgent.

    Can someone please let me know how i could hide my IP on the client, i use cloudflare, proxy sever but these pricks still seem to boot my VPS just cause i wont give them staff, (hope karma is a bitch). Please let me know ASAP. Thankyou.
  12. JasonCole

    Any ideas on DDOS protection?

    I want to set up my hotel on vps, however i dont want to get DDOS'ed or BOOTED. Any suggestions on how to avoid these? Thanks!
  13. JasonCole

    Request Trusted Dealer badge needed.

    Can someone please reply with an image of the latest trusted dealer badge, the one with the Purple Bar on it. Thankyou.
  14. JasonCole

    Service Retro Banners & Logos!

    I thought i'd do something for the community and make free Habbo banners, as you see below i make sure the banners are at high and professional quality. Please like the thread! Here is a early preview to the work i done for some people that requested, also seen below...
  15. JasonCole

    Request Professional Logo & Banner

    I need a professional logo and banner to use for my new r63 hotel. The hotel is called Rawr. Please post the images as a reply if anyone has done any. Thankyou.
  16. JasonCole

    How to set up client?

    Does anyone know how to set up client with Illumina Cms? Inbox me or reply below please :) Thanks for those willing to spend their time to help!
  17. JasonCole


    What does the following image mean? Like what do i have to do? Thanks.
  18. JasonCole

    Database errors - need help!

    Every time i try to log in or register. . Any idea how to fix?
  19. JasonCole

    CMS error, need help!

    I've tried downloading several cms's and they all show the same problem. I even checked the config several times as well but problem continues. Here are screen shots. To register: When logged in: It happens on every page except the main index where you choose to login or register! Thanks