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  1. BlockFace

    Pheonix 2.0 RP CMS + Emulator

    PhoenixEmulator 2.0 Overview: (This is not my release just reposting it here, since no one has done so, This was located on another forum that I shall not mention here) No, this is not Aaron's role-play server, but this is the best their is released beyond that. This role-play server was...
  2. BlockFace

    v26 [RP] Help - Action_Set error

    Hi, When I start the client everything goes fine, after client finishes loading it stays there for a couple minutes then disconnects when I read the disconnect link it says Action_Set error, Does anyone know how I can fix this and what the problem is? (Not my hotel above) Ps; I use...
  3. BlockFace

    XoaCMS Edit, Edited Version. (BlockFace)

    Please delete this post, It is now redundant and no longer useful.