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  1. Crusteh

    PC Username Changes - Minecraft.

    Hey, seeing as I got my new Minecraft account yesterday (been playing on my friends for ever a year) when creating my account and I spelt my name wrong and spelt Crustrhs instead of Crustesh, so I looked up on numerous forums to see if there was a way to change your name, there is no way unless...
  2. Crusteh

    Funniest video ever

    I came across this on facebook.. enjoy
  3. Crusteh Banners - Professional, Fast and appealing.

    Hey everyone, over the last month I have been extremely bored and decided to take on Pixel Art, after the first hour or so I was doing pretty well with my designs, and made a few banners for a few friends but now that I am pretty advanced with all types of Pixel Art, I'd thought I'd make a...
  4. Crusteh

    Habbo Retro Login Page - NOT CODED

    Hello everyone, for the last week or so I have been getting myself into habbo graphics. I've always wanted to make and code a login page but I've never been able to code, so I thought I'd design and login page ready for when I'm able to code it, there is currently no register page to go with it...