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  1. F

    How to create subdomains?

    You need access to your domains DNS settings. If your registrar provides you access to change your DNS, simply create an 'A' record for the subdomain and point it to the IP address of your server/webhost. Then you will have to create a new website in your IIS manager (if your using IIS) or add a...
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    Exploits help.

    Its grapeASE and thats where the exploits are, disable it or revert back to zap ase or something to fix it.
  3. F

    Request Banner black transparent thingy
  4. F

    [HELP] Rev CMS - PulseCMS Edit News Won't Show on /news

    When I create a news article it will show perfectly on the me page ( but when I go to Community > News (/news) its blank and has no links to the news articles ( Below is my news.php code <?php...
  5. F

    Need help

    Why PM? Post your problem in the thread so everyone can help.
  6. F

    [Help] Respect not refill

    Use a cron job. Set it to run a query to reset the respect table to 3 every 24 hours. Or manually go into your database and run the query every 24 hours.
  7. F

    IIS Problem With Link..

    Make sure you have index.php set as your default document in IIS manager. Then with the menu on the right side of IIS manager click move up on index.php until its set at the highest priority. See if it fixes it.
  8. F

    IIS and Navicat issues [HELP]

    Make sure your mysql service is started. Usually only gives a cannot connect error when its off. Will generally throw a connection refused for port problems, bad username/password, etc.
  9. F

    UberCMS White Client fix?

    $client->SetParam('flash_base', ''); $client->SetParam('flash_client_url', ''); Your trying to use the client from habbo...
  10. F

    White Client Help

    Use google chrome's developers tools to identify the possible problem. In chrome hit ctrl-shift-I to open the developer tools, click the network tab and open your client in that browser window (type youhabboretrourl/client). Any errors will show in read text.
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    It sometimes take up to 2-4 days to set up the VPS after you order it. It isn't an instant thing.
  12. F

    IIS Problem.

    Try deleting the others just leaving index.php see if it works.
  13. F

    IIS Problem.

    Make sure you open the default site options in IIS manager and add index.php and move it to the top of the list. Then and load the site again.
  14. F

    Quick mysql question

    UPDATE users SET home_room = '14' Run that query, that will however, only change the users currently in the database. Any new players you get will still have the default 0. If you are using NaviCat to manage your database go to your users table, click file >> design and set the default...
  15. F

    <Xampp> Help!

    Your trying to stop the service so you can install it? If the service is started its already installed :-/ Open your xampp control panel, next to the mysql server should be a start and stop button try there.