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  1. Austin

    Introduction Hello DevBest

    Welcome to Devbest. I'd like to learn more about your CMS though, heh.
  2. Austin

    I need help...

    I can't help but say, there's tons of tut's. Take a look at all of them.
  3. Austin

    InstantHost.ORG! What a joke?

    Americans don't spell it as 'centre' they spell it as 'center'.
  4. Austin

    share your fetish

    When they play video games online..
  5. Austin

    [UberCMS] Login Page

    Has anybody tried this/ Have Screenies?
  6. Austin

    How did you find about DevBest?

    I found it on TheHabbos. c:
  7. Austin

    We iz gonna die, zomg!

    If the world REALLY does end, this guy says it's going to explode. I'll see you guys on Mars. :P
  8. Austin

    We iz gonna die, zomg!

    LOL @ The link, above the picture it says, "Related Tags: Britney Spears". All these prophetic events, are dumb tbh. We'll know when the world is goona end when it ACTUALLY HAPPENS.
  9. Austin

    PhpMyAdmin Help

    That should help ya. (:
  10. Austin

    [HELP] client [HELP]

    1. lol @ the 'brah.png' 2. Check if page-client.tpl is even in your htdocs..
  11. Austin

    Looking for a new cms

    There you go.
  12. Austin

    [Uber Cms] Site/Web Build Problem

    Change the webbuild to either /240 OR /180. If those don't work, I can't help you.
  13. Austin

    Graphics Guy up for hire!

    I'll definitely hire you! If you'd like to talk about this more: [email protected]
  14. Austin

    I Need Ideas

    Hopefully you don't do such a good job that you decide to Market it like some faggots.. >.>
  15. Austin

    I Need Ideas

    Code a decent EMU.
  16. Austin

    Introduction ganja

    Don't make him feel unwelcome, he just needs to learn that he's not all that. Also, I use google for terms/words I don't know.. [:
  17. Austin

    r63 Client Help!

    You'll need RELEASE63-33394-33391-201105031224_0404f73ccd6c33481806dce8c103cc04 or below, if you're using DCR-Project.. I'm pretty sure.
  18. Austin

    r63 Client Help!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the newest Swf's won't work with any EMU's but Aleeda and Phoenix. Aleeda isn't released, and Phoenix costs $31, I believe. And instead of double-posting simply click Edit. (:
  19. Austin

    [Help] Need help with my retro [Help}

    This is pretty simple, sorry if you wanted and r63 one, I cba to find a tut for that.
  20. Austin

    What should I do?

    Definitely Choice 1. Macs look pretty awesome on the outside, plus, if you decide you wanted to go back to Mac just for the hell of it, you could.