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    Installed IIS and everything is correct but white page?

    Hello! I have been installed the IIS today, and added revcms etc. to there. Everything is correct, but the page is white?
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    Need IIS help. Anyone got any ideas, how to fix this? I got this error today, when i restarted my vps
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    Catalog is buggy Help?
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    Client connects 100% then drop

    Hello! My hotel client disconnects when its loaded 100%. Variables are allright, config.php and config.conf are allright and firewall is allowing every port. What is the problem? 10/21/2013 10:21:26 AM: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...
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    VPS DDoS protect?

    Hello! Do* someone know any software what protect VPS about DDoS - attack? I can buy DDoS protect too.
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    D0WNF4LL catalogue bug

    Hello! Im using D0WNF4LL catalogue in my hotel, and the "staff catalogue" show on rank 6 and 5?? The min_rank is 7
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    How i can fix sql injection holes?

    First hole: /index.php?url=news&id= second: index.php?url=home&user=
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    How to set-up these variables?

    How to hell i can set-up these swfs?
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    Iis sucks... Help!!

    When i try go to (" come this Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
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    Pulsease wont work on iis 7.5

    I need help, my pulsease wont work on iis 7.5 but in xampp it works 100% why? O_o
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    Latest swfs?

    Hello! Can someone release latest swfs, what include: latest clothes, latest enable commands (all 140) etc :) Thanks! :)
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    Exceptions, and nobody cannot connet to my hotel (Phoenix License 3.11.0 build 14986)

    Hello! I restarted my Hotel Emulator, and nobody cannot connect there. Come this exception: 27/12/2012 19:50:38: Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at A. .( ) at A..() at A. .( ,  ) at A..(Byte[]& )