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  1. TomCollins

    Windows 8 Consumer ISO Download
  2. TomCollins

    [Help]News Error

    You didnt assign a top story picture to it within the HK
  3. TomCollins

    Xampp Problem

    Just check with xampp-portcheck.exe and show the results here
  4. TomCollins

    Introduction Hello Devbest,

    Welcome to the forum :-)
  5. TomCollins

    Olympics gunna get blown up?

    It gives food for thought, but it's just looking into things with too much detail. But you can never be too sure.
  6. TomCollins

    Gay + Proud.

    Gay + Proud.
  7. TomCollins

    How to build a UberCMS Hotel (R63) (Phoenix EMU)

    I can think of much better emulators than that. Good tutorial, just seems some people can't follow it :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD