Search results

  1. Zaka

    New Category

    Just a short one, but I think there should be a FiveM / RedM category for development etc. It's a very popular category nowadays and I think it would be a great addition.
  2. Zaka

    Upload large files [jQuery+PHP]

    Hi guys, So basically I've been trying to understand file uploading as good as possible since I like to learn new stuff all the time. Now when it comes to uploading files in PHP we have this big issue, large files. Default is 2MB in PHP, easy enough, you can just change the max_file_size and...
  3. Zaka


    Hello everyone! I have been working on this cms for a while now, and I decided it's time to get some feedback and maybe some input on features you would love to see. What have been done so far? + Pages: Index, Register, Maintenance, Me, Settings, Profile etc (prints down below) + AdminCP - This...
  4. Zaka

    Help me decide

    Hello DevBest! I was sitting down looking through old projects and I found this cms I never finished. However I came up with a new idea for a cms and will proceed with it, to later on release it on various forums. Now the big question is, which database structure should I follow? I mean, I can...
  5. Zaka

    MoonPHPi - Development - Brand new CMS in OOP PHP & MySQLi

    Hello DevBest! I have been working with programming for about 1.5 years now and I have mainly worked with Habbo Retros. But thats just how I started, now when I have all the knowledge I might need I still wanted to create something new to the people, something they might have a good use of. So...