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  1. P

    Project Ideas

    Thank you for your detailed response, and for your question regarding whether back-end or front-end, I have learnings in both (from training and self-teaching): HTML5, CSS3, Raw JavaScript, JSON Relational databases such as PostgreS and MySql Vue3, React NodeJS, C/C++ However, I would like...
  2. P

    Project Ideas

    Hey guys, Pretty much my engineering academic years are mostly complete meaning I am coming near to my internship/training days (senior). I have an empty resume when it comes to projects because I've always thought my previous works are simply naive (as in complexity) which in my opinion...
  3. P

    My C++ console keeps returning the same value as the last.

    I didn't want to fiddle around with your code too much, I'll speak as redundant as I can so you can try follow up. Whenever you wrote something to the console it went through ttoken = line.substr(0, pos); , to remove the "delimiter", now according to the counter you've placed inside the while...
  4. P

    My C++ console keeps returning the same value as the last.

    I'm going to be quite honest, I don't see how the code provided is related to the console screenshot, if you could show more of the code it would be easier to see where the issue is :)