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  1. dominic

    habboair patched patched or whatever dump the common_config file and change to whatever exp: 3 mod...
  2. dominic

    [PHP7, Laravel] Group Badge Generator

    This can easily be converted to use different kinds of frameworks (or be implemented into whatever CMS you're using) So, I was bored and got annoyed that I couldn't find a proper group badge generator, so I had the decency to write something up for PHP7...
  3. dominic

    ★ Fuse ★ New UI ★ r63B ★ Custom CMS ★ Now Hiring! ★

    ★ Fuse ★ New UI ★ r63B ★ Custom CMS ★ Now Hiring! ★ ★ Prepare to experience the most unique hotel experience on the web! ★ Are you tired of the same old boring hotel layouts, client layouts, exact copies of Habbo's UI, and the lack of professional staff on retros? Well, so are we, and that's...
  4. dominic

    [Cracked SWF list] List of swfs cracked by me

    RELEASE63-201301161131-111779461 RELEASE63-201301022303-875838196 RELEASE63-201212032304-502753151 RELEASE63-201212120947-241536750 ^ All of the above is fully cracked by me (new protocol :))
  5. dominic

    [Release] SWF Crack [RSA, Host, Images]

    Hello, I've been recoding joopies swf cracker (still same host and image removal sheez). But the RSA was the harder part. This program will make it easier for you, to make SSO... Sorry for my explanation is this short. I don't know what to say. :) Here you go. -...