Search results

  1. Donkjam

    YouTube channel Hayles TV - chained together

    So my brother has made a gaming channel and I featured on the third one playing ‘chained together’ give it a watch and subscribe im possibly gonna do more vids
  2. Donkjam

    Win Xmas sub

    Simply tell me why you should have an Xmas sub bought and I’ll pick winner Saturday
  3. Donkjam

    Blink 182 reunion!

    So blink 182 are back with Tom delonge! I’ve seen them before but who else is looking forward to world tour? Anyone booking tickets?
  4. Donkjam

    Valley 59 - pop/punk

    So my brother has a pop/punk band. Kind of like blink 182 etc. Give them a look nd please like the page/posts!
  5. Donkjam

    Happy bday mark!

    Happy belayed @Markshall ! Love you
  6. Donkjam

    [ANDROID] contagion counter

    Basically my brother developed an app for Android store. So you’ve got to count the ‘contagions’ and enter right amount at end however some dont count (explains on app) and gets harder as It goes On. There’s several levels. it gets harder to count as levels go on as There’s rogue ‘bugs’ to...
  7. Donkjam

    Bella Poarch - build a bitch

    So yeah seen this lass on TikTok. Her songs been out a day and it’s accumulated 29 million views on YouTube alone. Posting here for search results. And also. I actually like it 😅😅
  8. Donkjam

    Video I went in national radio about my phobia

    So basically A radio station had ‘what’s your biggest cringe’ on Facebook and I commented ‘feeder frost’ you know that frost in the freezer when it goes in everything so they messaged me and I went on national radio tonight here’s the vid. Sorry about sound quality
  9. Donkjam

    Win a username subscription

    This place needs some interaction message below. Your life story. A joke. Basically fucking anything just get convo started Post with most likes will win subscription on Monday (Monday 10th may 2020)
  10. Donkjam

    Switch usernames

    I’m getting a switch tomorrow any good game can get? So far I’ve animal crossing drop your switch IDs and I’m add I’ll add mine tomoz
  11. Donkjam

    Fundraising ideas

    So basically my work is trying to raise funds for comic relief however everyone is workin from home. so.... I can’t think of things to raise money, I do stand up comedy and was thinking something along them lines but I cba to think of a set anyone got any ideas what I can do? best reply will...
  12. Donkjam

    Drunk donkey Episodes (bit of fun)

    So basically there was a thread about podcasts however. Who would be interested in ‘drunk donkey episodes’ (feel free to make a better name) where as you all know i get drunk on Fridays (or basically any day of the week) I either 1) go live and answer/speak to Everyone 2) pre record questions...
  13. Donkjam

    We’re all free!!!

    Ok so now @bigdawg is gone(behind bars/6ft under/held hostage). What should we do with this place!? ❤️ Donkey for leader Best reply gets a sub
  14. Donkjam

    Image Post your best facemask

    So In U.K. we have to wear a facemask for public transport. Here’s mike, post yours
  15. Donkjam

    3D image idea requests

    Ok so I’ve just downloaded SketchUp so I can make some 3D images to add to snapchat lenses I do occasionally lol what images can I make?? I made that pizza box attached to test out. It’s not amazing but you know ;) sub for best idea if I make
  16. Donkjam

    im a stand up comedian

    so basically, my names Jamie/donkey/donkjam Im a Geordie from Newcastle....and im a comedian. ve always wanted to do stand up and love to make people laugh, im quiete a shy person, however...I started doing stand up comedy last year. my first gig was for cancer research and there was around...
  17. Donkjam

    Win a subscription!

    Ok so donkey giveaway time. I’m bored. You’re bored tell me a story, a joke, suggest a Snapchat filter you’d like to see, Just anything tbh! Then I’ll pick a user at random on Monday and give out a subscription. Maybe 2 I’ll see go go go
  18. Donkjam

    Snapchat filter ideas

    so I'm creating a few snapchat filters/lenses for something to do while bored, does anyone have any ideas on what I could make? or any photos/pics/Gifs you want filters made and ill make them, these are mine so far
  19. Donkjam

    Tinychat (or whatever) I meet-up

    Ok so. If you’re nee to this place you’re welcome to join however everyone else will remember devbest in its peak. We used to have tiny chat...chats all the time. Since most of the world is in quarantine... who is game for a tinychat(? Or any other recomended app) post here Time proposed is...
  20. Donkjam

    Open password protected EXCEL file

    So my brother has a EXCEL file that is password protected. The password isn't know therefore was wondering if anyone knows a way of getting into the file? Thought of bruteforce etc but want an easier way if anyone knows