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  1. JayCustom

    (Help) How to put PeakRP swf in client.php?

    I'm pretty sure that is not part of the habbo.swf, that is html/css
  2. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator customs

    You can't just rename the file, you have to rename the contents of the swf with the new name. HxD editor allows you to do that, but I'm not sure if it works on windows 10. HabboUI lets you do it- you just have to go to each file and replace it. 1597670845 Here ...
  3. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator customs

    You can only rename it to throne1.swf if you use a program like habboui editor that adjusts the file size for you (or you manually adjust the file size). Otherwise if you use software like HxD editor and you change the name you have to keep the same number of characters in the swf name when you...
  4. JayCustom

    (Help) How to configure PeakRP swfs on the client.php in my rp pack?

    @Haid He ripped your swfs from peakRP, now he needs to configure the PeakRP swfs on his client.php. How to configure PeakRP swfs on his client.php so he can configure his client.php with peakRP swfs without errors?
  5. JayCustom

    (Help) how to copy swf files on PeakRP? because i want copy swf files on PeakRP

    @Haid He wants to copy swf files on PeakRP, how can he copy the swf files on PeakRP because he wants to copy the swf files on PeakRP?
  6. JayCustom

    Intellij Comet Compile?

    First of all you should try File | Invalidate Caches and if it doesn't help, delete IDEA system directory. Then re-import the Maven project and see if it helps. In some weird cases compiled classes may report wrong info and confuse IDEA. Verify that the classes from this jar report correct names...
  7. JayCustom

    [RELEASE] BlissRP Files

    Built off this post with more edits Otherwise, no
  8. JayCustom

    [RELEASE] BlissRP Files

    Hi All ^_^ I am here with another release. These files are from the RP I started in 2019, I no longer need them so I am going to release them. 1) I will not help you set it up. It uses websockets, there is a javascript file that has to be configured as well as you need your certificate...
  9. JayCustom

    Habbo.ST Anti Packetlogger

    They likely waited for someone to try and script using tanji and had detection on the emulator side.
  10. JayCustom

    ForceVoting - Stuck on Redirection

    Hello, I am using this function to get the current user's IP address: final public function GetCurrentIP(){ if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; }elseif(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){ $ip =...
  11. JayCustom


    Try this one HabPulse Limit EMU
  12. JayCustom


    I have a gold tree emulator edit of my own, you can check it out haven't touched it in about 4 years.
  13. JayCustom

    Plus R2 ~ Catalog Deal Bundles

    Yes so here you can see that GetRoom() is returning null, likely because the item has not been added to the room correctly.
  14. JayCustom

    Plus R2 ~ Catalog Deal Bundles

    Run the emulator from the debugger, and put a breakpoint on that line. Buy the deal, and see what is null.... It's either the room, or the habbo. 1596029900
  15. JayCustom

    Plus R2 ~ Catalog Deal Bundles

    Which line is 1600 in the method, and I don't see the function where it generates the room for the user
  16. JayCustom

    Plus R2 ~ Catalog Deal Bundles

    You have to share your code, it's different than the one currently in the github. I need to see the process of buying the room bundle, and the method that contains line 1600 on Item.cs in UserWalksOffFurni
  17. JayCustom

    Client error
  18. JayCustom

    c# Post JSON

    Okay in your first example you were attempting to register a user, now you're posting information on machine and company - Is your index matching this post request?!?
  19. JayCustom

    c# Post JSON

    What is it doing? Are you sure it's not on the server that's the problem? Have you stepped through the c# using a debugger?
  20. JayCustom

    c# Post JSON

    string url = "http://localhost/index.php"; HttpWebRequest objRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); objRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; objRequest.Method = "POST"; try { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream())){ string json =...