Search results

  1. Jeffrey

    Recruiting Web + VPS Hosting - Looking for Support

    Are you planning to be a legit hosting business? If so, why are you offering Retro Services if you know Retros are illegal?
  2. Jeffrey


  3. Jeffrey

    @Sysode meet @Reecey

    @Sysode meet @Reecey
  4. Jeffrey

    Introduction HEJJJJ

  5. Jeffrey

    Applicant Development / Technical Position

    Well, SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and it is a programming language designed for quering data from database, and MySQL is a relational database management system which is completely different thing. ~ Google.
  6. Jeffrey

    PC Who thinks they can complete this ;)

    I'm a l33t Haxor.
  7. Jeffrey

    Request Professional Looking Banner

    Volter sucks ass on my computer, so whoever can finish it off props.
  8. Jeffrey

    Request Professional Looking Banner

    Don't see the point of the "I'll pay if i like it", because you'll use the image anyway unless they have heavy watermarks. I'll make you a tard banner when i get on my desktop in a few minutes.
  9. Jeffrey

    Habby birthday

    Habby birthday
  10. Jeffrey

    Applicant Development / Technical Position

    Tis is a year old sir.
  11. Jeffrey

    Applicant Development / Technical Position

    Currently feeling bored of my self. I'll assist anyone.
  12. Jeffrey

    Feedback Voting Site Design

    10/10 designs skills. I wish we can use this at findretros.
  13. Jeffrey

    Habbo Updates & Rumors

    Okay, so Habbo is having a new BETA testing which I am apart of now. I'll update you guys on how it goes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I forgot to mention, but Habbo released effects for everyone which cost 3c
  14. Jeffrey

    Introduction Sarbaz Returns! :P

    Inb4 stolen accounts come and says this is false! Welcome back?
  15. Jeffrey

    Still can't register on Tardis

    Your best contacting @Taylis regarding that as Weasel has already stated. If you would like to report a hotel that is violating one of our rules however, visit this link [CLICK HERE] Thanks, Jeffrey_ Devbest Indian tech support / FindRetros Moderator
  16. Jeffrey

    Habbo Updates & Rumors

    Habbo released for android a few weeks ago, and they already released Army campaign. Next month they are releasing dinosaur campaign which includes cool cloths
  17. Jeffrey

    Recruiting Programmer with alot of knowledge of GTE r63a!

    @Sledmore for $400 per "page"
  18. Jeffrey

    Introduction Who Is DeJKriz

    Welcome to Devbest! Make sure to visit the Global rules at I hope to see your works around here soon :) Thanks, Jeffrey_ Devbest Indian tech support