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  1. JayCustom


    So much is wrong with this, and I don't even know where to begin. Black Lives Matter is an organization that of the 3 co-founders, 2 of them are self declared Trained Marxists. This group was created upon good principles - supporting a group of individuals who are often intended, or unintended...
  2. JayCustom

    Flash Browser for Habbo (Habflash)

    GitHub will track changes, and allow other developers to work on the project with you. When they push a change, you can review it before committing it into the main branch. Also it let's people report bugs with the project and easily track if they have been fixed or not
  3. JayCustom

    Gaming PC

    1) You are right, he did say he bought his first gaming pc, so it is likely he bought a prebuilt anyway 2) You went higher on the GTX 770, which does require a minimum of 600W power supply, but the cards you suggested only need a minimum of 400W. The cost for the 770 is about the same (a tiny...
  4. JayCustom


    Doesn't matter. Flash is ending in 3-4 weeks
  5. JayCustom

    DevBest's 2020 Community Awards (Voting)

    Most Popular: @Sledmore Funniest User: @Blasteh Most Inspirational: @Sledmore Most Hated: @NathanCarn3y Cockiest User: Most Professional: @JMG Most Missed: Biggest Nerd: @Berk All-Time Legend: @Sledmore Biggest Frog: Staff Member of the Year: @Sledmore Friendliest: @Daltron Best...
  6. JayCustom

    Gaming PC

    You don't need that big of a power supply unit, especially for the graphic cards you recommended. The suggestion for a downpayment on a prebuilt was not good. You are paying for someone else to purchase, and assembly the components. You can save a ton of money by assembling the PC yourself...
  7. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator - Websockets doesn't work

    I don't understand why your websocket connection uses a room user to find the websocket. That is dumb. It should be connected to the Client instance when it is connected. Really it just needs to be re-implemented correctly.
  8. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator - Websockets doesn't work

    Its because on your other thread it shows there is an exception in the class for the websockets. If the WebSocket connection is throwing an exception, it's not going to work.
  9. JayCustom

    What are you listening to now?

    That playlist is fire
  10. JayCustom

    Find Retros
  11. JayCustom

    Post pictures of your setup!

    I figured I would share my setup 1TB SSD MSI - MPG Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon AC RTX 2070 Super 16GB Ram Intel Core i7-9700K Unlocked My first PC build , built it a few months ago.
  12. JayCustom

    Flashback PHP - A Habbo CMS written in vanilla PHP

    Yeah, exactly this. I had someone who wanted help setting up cosmic, and I had never used composer before either. Just followed the tutorial and a little googling for when the tutorial didn't explain why some of the steps were needed. Now that I have used composer, it is really nice being able...
  13. JayCustom

    HELP! Retro Server won't load.

    There is only a few things that cause a 76% : Emulator is throwing errors connecting (SSO ticket doesn't match, Other issues creating userdata, etc.) [Check the log file] Emulator port is not opened in the firewall [Go to windows advanced firewall and allow an INCOMING connection of your port...
  14. JayCustom

    Multiple openings

    Goodluck! Keep in mind if you pay for services or setups, flash is going to be removed in less than a month and a half so you will likely have to restart again.
  15. JayCustom

    Arcturus Clothing - Bind?

    Its a headband it may be hidden by ur hat. Try taking the hat off
  16. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator error

    He posted this same question 3 days ago and it was answered the same way. Sorry, some people can't read the rules and do a simple google search. Being new to something doesn't allow for lack of common sense. How many times are you...
  17. JayCustom

    Plus Emulator error

    This number format has literally been answered thousands of times, and it was just answered 3 days ago. SEARCH THE FORUM BEFORE YOU MAKE A POST!
  18. JayCustom

    Problem with launch RP emulators

    They are supposed to , the problem is your numeric format on the vps. Follow the steps above.
  19. JayCustom

    Gaming PC

    You messed up on the graphics card. That is what is one of the more important units for gaming. That graphics card is over 7 years old, it's out of touch. Also a minimum power supply of 600W is required for the GTX 770 so you likely wont be able to use that.
  20. JayCustom

    Need help with a Command

    I believe the code should be - TargetClient.GetHabbo().PrepareRoom(TargetClient.GetHabbo().RoomId, "");