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  1. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    I understand what you mean , but these are print screens from hotels that have requested a banner and have requested their rooms on the banner :p I do what they request :)
  2. Aspiree

    Request Logo Needed

    Ive just done these two for you @li4m :P Let me know what you think.
  3. Aspiree

    (REL) Habstyle CMS (REL)

    I think if it's cleaned up and re-arranged , it may look good :D Good work if it's your first CMS !
  4. Aspiree

    Thanks for gifting VIP bro <3

    Thanks for gifting VIP bro <3
  5. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    Thanks Relentless , What has been copied and pasted ?
  6. Aspiree

    Profile Picture

    Looks good @Pink :)
  7. Aspiree

    [Release] Christmas Holos!

    I really love your work @JayTouch , I will download these and use them :D Like I say on all your releases , Keep up the good work !
  8. Aspiree

    Show DevBest TangoBB Beta!

    Great work , I like what you have done :) Keep up the good work.
  9. Aspiree

    Profile Picture

    No problem :D
  10. Aspiree

    Profile Picture

    This is what I've come up with :) I hope you like !
  11. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    Thanks Quit , Is there anything I can improve on or change ? :D
  12. Aspiree

    Custom Logo Needed!

    No Problem. I hope it's right , check it first :D
  13. Aspiree

    Custom Logo Needed!

    Sure , Hows this ? You may not be able to see the white outline but save the images and add it to a dark background and you will be able to see it :D
  14. Aspiree

    Custom Logo Needed!

    ahaha no problem. Here you are , If you need anything else just ask me :p
  15. Aspiree

    Custom Logo Needed!

    Is this aimed at me ?
  16. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    Thank you again for your positive feedback on my banners , Is there anything I could improve ? Anyone can request a banner from me , just send me your logo and what text you want at the bottom :D
  17. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    Thanks for the good rate xD I don't think I'm that good at the moment , maybe a bit more practice ahaha.
  18. Aspiree

    [REL] radiPanel Edit

    You have the panel ? I really want to use it.
  19. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    No Problem , If you need anything else let me know :D
  20. Aspiree

    Feedback What do you think of my banners ?

    What is it you don't like ? I like to improve from criticism :)