Ok, so go into your config file, and you'll see;
client.ping.enabled=1, change it to 0
and that errors in the database, so heres a new one its fixed;
Ok so mate, your cms is in a directory, go to htdocs, and go to the uberCMS directory, ctrl + a...
Are frantech offshore? ;L
Anyway I suggest, myhosting.org or it might be .com ;P There very good, had them before and their packages have a good price, CPU's good and so on..
That is a valid fix, It happens to me also. But I haven't debugged the EMULATOR. Try debugging it, I can't debug for some reason on the Dedi ITSELF:
'tis is why u kids shouldn't be making retro's :L If you can't extract some documents to the htdocs, and run a simple .exe then you must have problems.