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  1. Linas Nenartavičius

    HELP - Mercury Disconnect

    here you go, hope some1 gonna help me to fix ... cheers up
  2. Linas Nenartavičius

    HELP - Mercury Disconnect

    Mercury Emulator V2.3
  3. Linas Nenartavičius

    HELP - Mercury Disconnect

    Hey , just made mercury emu, but i'm having DC's while im trying to click on my inventory or just clicking on item in the shop while loading....
  4. Linas Nenartavičius

    HELP - Silver Wave emu

    Just making a server by this guide - What type of CMS i can use with SilverWave emulator? R this emu soo buggy and maybe someone have any fixes of this emu? Big thanks
  5. Linas Nenartavičius

    Some1 help me to make Habbo r63

    Hey every1, i'm out of nerves making r63 server .... I was made BCstorm emu but with tons of bugs, like No items on walls (Fixed), buy HC in game etc, so i decided to make Phoenix, here i'm getting IP last error..... God, please guys can some1 help me to make normal r63 server with TW ? Skype...
  6. Linas Nenartavičius

    (REQ) Working UBERcms, emulator, swfs

    Hello every1, may i have help -_- I'm new at Habb private servers making, i just need WORKING ubercms with housekeeping, maybe chat, and actually it can be edited (CMS), when i'm trying to install my cms i always get ***** problems, errors etc.. E.G - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected...