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    Radio Player and Flash Script

    Hi May be a simple fix but ive just put in a flash script now when my client loads in my radio player disappears Any fix for this? Client file posted <?php include_once('checktheban.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <style> .flashfail{ margin: 0 auto; max-width: 600px...
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    Apollyon Camera

    Hi Thanks yeah got it now just trying to config it lol
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    Room Visitors

    I dont think there is no
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    Apollyon Camera

    Hi All, Anyone got a ready to go version if the apollyon camera for morningstar the link on the offical site is dead. Need the compiled version if possible
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    Room Visitors

    Hey, Might be a easy fix but im using Arcturus Morningstar, but I am wondering if there is anyway to change the options in client for max room users. At the moment I have options of 10,25,30 etc wanted to change these to higher numbers. Is there a way?
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    Holo RP

    Hey People Me again lol We have changed to holorp files due to previous ones not working well but the register page isnt working and then if you do get it working we get a 500 error anyone got a fix for this at all?
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    Websockets Help

    Hi Probably me being thick I updated a load of text that are involved with websockets on a php page for HabbpRP Emulator Ive cleared cache and rebooted emu but the txt hasnt changed what else am i missing?
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    HabboRP Emu Help

    Hey guys and girls After 2 things as per my previous post need help finding some bits as per some edit request. First These bars can they be edited if so where? Secondly when you change ur clothes you get a message up atm it is in german cant find it anywhere...
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    help again

    Me again Looking for more text now this time it appears after changing clothes in the clothes store I need to change the language of this any ideas?
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    Random Thing

    Thanks thats it found it 1593901742 Me again Looking for more text now this time it appears after changing clothes in the clothes store I need to change the language of this any ideas?
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    Random Thing

    have done cant find it
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    Random Thing

    The emu is on German im trying to translate it but the afk script when the user randomly goes to sleep on idle is german and im trying to find it to translate it
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    Random Thing

    Hi its the one where you go afk in a room
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    Random Thing

    Hi Im trying to find in habbo rp emu where the script is for takes a nap as its in german and want to translate it but cant seem to find it. I found is back but it doesnt seem to be in same cs script. anyone able to help
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    HabboRP EMU

    Hi, Im having problems with a setup I am using HabboRP Emu and files provided with it for cms etc I have configured all files to link to my domain but its still linking within the client file to the previous site can anyone advise on this. The swf files are still trying to be found from...