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  1. quakm

    Chat size

    "ChatInputView.tsx" line 241 in the nitro-react project could be the right place. You need to rebuild the project after changing the code. I'm quoting myself from another thread where a similar question was asked about another component that someone else wanted to customize: Also this...
  2. quakm

    How to make Hotel public

    Nginx is definitely a good choice, but considering the low traffic on a Habbo site, it doesn't really make a difference whether it's IIS or Nginx. And the scalability that Nginx brings is almost non-existent on a Habbo retro website plus for non tech-user it is harder to configure. If you want...
  3. quakm

    Arcturus Morningstar CHANGE TEXT SIZE ON CLIENT

    Hey, like I already told you on discord... :D Probably the easiest way to change the text size is to edit the ChatWidgetMessageView.tsx - more specifically on line 88 / 89. You can change it there with inline styling or better yet, add some css to the “message” class in ChatWidgetView.scss (the...
  4. quakm


    Absolutly true and if OP is very new to this topic this should be the way! I'm happy that Im through this shit already because I absolutly hate css and flexbox without any grid framework. Good luck tho :D :D :D
  5. quakm

    Applicant [CMS][CLIENT][EMULATOR] Looking for a developer position

    Could be, but could also not be! I am open to new ideas. No hotelowner needs to share their files or sensitive data, in fact I don't want access to sensitive data or systems - it's not necessary :P Development is very possible without productive data or core logic. Happy to help and still open!
  6. quakm


    It seems that you are not using Bootstrap (I assume you are still using it) properly. Otherwise, these issues that @LocalDemon mentioned probably wouldn't be happening. I suspect you are using custom boxes and/or custom paddings. Try to avoid that if you're using a CSS framework like Bootstrap...
  7. quakm

    Applicant [CMS][CLIENT][EMULATOR] Looking for a developer position

    Hello DevBest Community! I am looking for a promising Habbo Retro Hotel where I can prove my experience as a developer. I work as a fullstack web developer with React, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and C#, also with Blazor. I am able to program entire features and systems. If you need...