Search results

  1. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    No.. I suggest you have a look at Bukkit (even though it's Java).
  2. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Make it event-driven and dynamically load .dll files.
  3. Quackster

    [DEV] SellIt [PHP / MySQLi]

    Configuration isn't a code snippet.
  4. Quackster

    [Habbo] Easy Edit [1.0]

    A nice web-builder system.
  5. Quackster

    [Habbo] Easy Edit [1.0]

    I wouldn't recommend this to anybody.
  6. Quackster

    [Habbo] Easy Edit [1.0]

    I was hoping it would be much better. Such a horrible release.
  7. Quackster

    Help Me Portforward
  8. Quackster

    Is it possible to run a retro on..

    Nope. I've never used SSH before.
  9. Quackster

    Is it possible to run a retro on..

    If you want a C# server then you need to use Mono or something that compiles into native code such as Java (jvm) or C++
  10. Quackster

    Is it possible to run a retro on..

    ye but you need a server that can run on Linux.
  11. Quackster

    [BAN] Fly Butterfly Fly! ~ Butterfly r96c Original Source Code [FUN]

    Did you rbuild the project? Debug -> Build
  12. Quackster

    Hey Josh. I need to speak to you. :)

    Hey Josh. I need to speak to you. :)
  13. Quackster

    OS X Vs Windows [Retards not allowed]

    Windows because it's the only thing I've ever used and I've not had access to use a Mac or anything. :(
  14. Quackster

    [DEV] ProjectET 3.0 [PHP/HTML/CSS]

  15. Quackster

    [DEV] ProjectET 3.0 [PHP/HTML/CSS]

    Configuration isn't a code snippet. facepalm.jpg
  16. Quackster

    Image Idk why i laugh so fucking much from this

    It's a sad day. :(
  17. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Are you still going forward with Java or not?
  18. Quackster

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Blackmail much... anyway, do you have updates? :)