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  1. Quackster

    Show DevBest DELETED

    It's okay I guess, but ultimately useless, what's stopping people from visiting
  2. Quackster

    Eclipse or Netbeans? (Java)

    I've been using Eclipse because it gets the job done but I've yet to actually try out IntelliJ. I'm quite sick of some of the bugs Eclipse has.
  3. Quackster

    Afraid to make your own PC? Here's a cheap one

    My PC is $500 and I've never had a problem with it so far.
  4. Quackster

    Recruiting MineCraft Partner

    How does it not make sense? facepalm.jpg If you want them to fund the server and fix errors, then what use would YOU be to them?
  5. Quackster

    Recruiting MineCraft Partner

    Not to sound like a dick, but what use would you be to them?
  6. Quackster

    C# or . net help

    Try Environment.NewLine
  7. Quackster

    [Rust] Dedicated Rust Server Released [Experimental]

    Hi, Garry released the files for people to download. Experimental: There is no classic server files available unless you have the password for it.
  8. Quackster

    XBOX Survival Series - Live commentary - Path to the end

    Playing it on Xbox, disappointing. jk watching first episode :)
  9. Quackster

    PC New Server Project

    Not to mention you can mod Minecraft to shit with Bukkit without any client mods.
  10. Quackster

    Introduction Harrroooo~

    Hello welcome to DevBest!
  11. Quackster

    Why not put DayZ on the forum, under Gaming?

    There is more updates on DayZ Standalone than Rust. Rust section should be removed.
  12. Quackster

    PC Unturned

    Every time I spawn I always get shot on sight and never given a fighting chance. Everyone is so fucking hostile this game has turned into a deathmatch simulator with little survival skills needed.
  13. Quackster

    PC Unturned

    Double xp and extra loot? Pay to win game...
  14. Quackster

    PC Unturned

    There is like a $5 permanent membership with more skins and a gold name in servers.
  15. Quackster

    [CODE] Change username [BUKKIT

    Here's how to improve this horrible clusterfuck of code that insults Java. step 1) remove all code step 2) ??? step 3) PROFIT!!
  16. Quackster

    Post pictures of your setup!

    Monitors have same height, except one of them is slightly longer. I like using my older one even if it does look likely different.
  17. Quackster

    Three item freak out

    Pocket knife. Tweezers. Pepper spray.
  18. Quackster

    im proud

    Do you even know where Morocco is?
  19. Quackster

    New server - give me your views on the price.

    Would you add multiplayer feature and possibly multiplayer servers for any game you create?