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  1. ThePletrix

    Who likes cheese? Or Cheese Cake

    Cheese cake is really nice you know. But some people hate it! So Debate about if you like cheese or not. I LOVE YOU CHEESE
  2. ThePletrix

    ZeusDesigns Wallpaper

    Woah, Nice stuff. :)
  3. ThePletrix

    Introduction Hey Devbest - Who Am I?

    Haha, Thanks! I sure will stay active, just need a domain. 000webhosting officially fails lol. So see ya around! Haha, Thanks! I sure will stay active, just need a domain. 000webhosting officially fails lol. So see ya around!
  4. ThePletrix

    Introduction Hey Devbest - Who Am I?

    Hey DevBest I'm ThePletrix aka Phrase. I am a new developer and I am currently developing a Forum system which should be released in a few months coded in PHP and JQuery. Credit's Go To Chris from z-Gamiing for inspiring me to make this forum. Right now I can code xHTML, HTML5, PHP, CSS3...