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  1. Legion

    [ERROR] Phoenix EMU Error [JAKE]

    Make sure your MUS port and your tcp port is open
  2. Legion

    [ERROR] Phoenix EMU Error [JAKE]

    make sure you have the database correct, make sure there are NO SPACES in anything on config, Make sure you have the correct username and password for your EMU. Make sure you have the SQL installed and working
  3. Legion

    [ERROR] Phoenix EMU Error [JAKE]

    looks a like prob in the database/config
  4. Legion

    zCMS problem

    Alright, yeah, I was trying to make a temp hotel, while we were down. Prob solved
  5. Legion

    zCMS problem

    How do i fix this in zCMS?
  6. Legion

    zCMS Edit ~ Pr0ject

    What emu/db do i use for it?
  7. Legion

    Flatfile CMS [V1]

    Why wont the server open?
  8. Legion

    Prehosted r63 Swf *needed*

    I have tried to use my own swf soo many times, but every time it doesnt work, can somone please post some working and updated swf, external variables, text, product data, and furni data?
  9. Legion

    UberCMS Client help

    What would flash.client.url be?
  10. Legion

    UberCMS Client help

    In page-client.tpl what do i put for this: var params = { "base" : "http:// ", "allowScriptAccess" : "always", "menu" : "false" }; and var clientUrl = "http:// "; swfobject.embedSWF(clientUrl, "flash-container", "100%"...
  11. Legion

    Prehosted Swf

    Can someone please give me WORKING and good r63 SWF, Mine wont work and i would like some that do :)
  12. Legion

    UberCMS Ranks Help

    Is there a way i can use $get = dbquery("SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id = 3 "); to do 2 ranks apart from eachother, but not the ranks in between?
  13. Legion

    zCMS Edit ~ Pr0ject

    Can this run on UberCMS, Or does it have to be Phoenix?
  14. Legion

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    I open in Notepad and they all just say: Include: 'Global.php'
  15. Legion

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    How do i edit pages? nothing is working
  16. Legion

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    Once I make an account, and then log out, It wont let me log in again
  17. Legion

    UberEMU problem

    How do i fix my UberEMU
  18. Legion

    UberCMS Help

    I have tried TONS of UberCMS, None have worked so far, Can anyone recommend a good and working one?
  19. Legion


    Anyone got a good SWF download, or maybe Prehosted Swfs?????
  20. Legion

    Help making my retro

    Did you download the CMS and extract it with WinRAR?