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  1. griimnak

    Thoughts on new retroslist layout/design?

    The new layout looks more professional. But in a habbo player's eyes, they want colors and such. I mean come on, they are looking for a habbo retro. xD So the current layout is just fine.
  2. griimnak

    Checked the mail today..

    What ever hapened to just using a hdmi cable from pc to tv? xD Seems like another good Google product though. Might use it for streaming some hd por... Nevermind. :p
  3. griimnak

    MorePhone; A Phone That Moves To Key Features

    Looks like an over-done homework assignment to me. Wouldn't buy to be honest.
  4. griimnak


    Php is really the main part of a site - or so I think. If you're wanting to do anything that would be a benifit to you, I suggest learning to program php. :) -Rayray Bonquisha
  5. griimnak

    PC Minecraft 1v1's

    Hello devbest. Just wanted to share some 1v1ing videos of me @ :D
  6. griimnak

    PHP Number formatting (st/nd/th)

    Really nice tutorial. Could come in handy.
  7. griimnak

    Show DevBest IntactDev: Coming Soon

    I like the font you used. What's the name of it?
  8. griimnak

    Show DevBest Bootstrap 3

    New buttons look less bubbly. Cool.
  9. griimnak

    [FINAL] reCMS edit by iExit [2012 to 2013]

    Ooops. @ Developer. ;)
  10. griimnak

    [FINAL] reCMS edit by iExit [2012 to 2013]

    Really nice edit, you've put some work into this, I can tell.
  11. griimnak

    AllInOneCMS [EMU + CMS + SWFS]

    Man, these habbo cms names keep getting worse and worse as time goes on. Ontp: Good luck with your development.
  12. griimnak

    HouseKeeping RevCMS - Not working

    Looks like something's happened to your domain/address. Could possibly be a silly redirect loop that's making chrome sad. Overlook the php maybe.
  13. griimnak

    War does not determine who is right- only who is left.

    War does not determine who is right- only who is left.