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  1. Rubuter1

    Meh needs help.

    Hi there, so I decided to make a hotel, everything works but the pictures, and I can't log in. Ik that i need to edit something to .com. I'm using PHP So could someone tell me where it's located and can someone help me with my login problem thanks.
  2. Rubuter1

    Hotel help

    Trololol I'm a noob and don't understand/ can't find this, can someone do it via tv user: 661 319 697 pass: 8729, Your regards George
  3. Rubuter1

    Hotel help

    Sorry for being a noob lol, but is the folder called
  4. Rubuter1

    Hotel help

    Lol, let me uninstall and re-install :)
  5. Rubuter1

    Hotel help

    V26, do you have team viwer, if so can you help me?
  6. Rubuter1

    Hotel help

    I'v set up my hotel, but no images will load and I can't acces hk, help me please :)
  7. Rubuter1

    Mysql wont load

    Yeh, my mysql on xampp won't load i'v reinstalled and everything, lil help yo,
  8. Rubuter1

    Look at ths.

    Hahah, unlucky him.
  9. Rubuter1

    Look at ths.

    Ikr he regrets posting it now LOL [19:29:44] >> N [19:29:45] >> NO [19:29:46] >> NO [19:29:46] >> NO [19:29:47] >> NO [19:29:48] >> NO [19:29:48] >> NO [19:29:49] >> NO [19:29:58] << lolool [19:30:10] >> OMG [19:30:12] >> STFU [19:30:12] >> :( [19:32:02] << thats gone on db oft Unmute me...
  10. Rubuter1

    Look at ths.

    I'm on ham and donny posted this to me [19:18:03] << LOLOL [19:29:34] >> do your gay pose for me, andrew does it for me all the time while arron carefully inserts a tiny pickle into his ass hole, it sure gives me a good boner!! LOOLOLOL and I'm not lying
  11. Rubuter1

    Will Habbo be able to pursue all of us?

    It's really up to you,
  12. Rubuter1

    Will Habbo be able to pursue all of us?

    Nah, they only want the ones who run the retro, as retros are illegal
  13. Rubuter1

    Will Habbo be able to pursue all of us?

    What he said.. What he said -_-
  14. Rubuter1

    London's going down -_-

    Hmm, same. I wonder if the officer's will just shoot them all, I don't know.
  15. Rubuter1

    London's going down -_-

    Yah, it's true, with all the rioting, think there's gona be more tonight? :S Post what you thinks :P
  16. Rubuter1

    Introduction Hai

  17. Rubuter1

    [VID] Police Brutality at the Silent Flashmob at the Jefferson Memorial

    Woah, why is there so much Police Brutality these days?
  18. Rubuter1

    [TXT] The 3 kids and the genie

    Nice! :D
  19. Rubuter1

    [TXT] The 3 kids and the genie

    Soo the blonde landed in " WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE " ?