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  1. Cyclop

    UberCMS Jays Edit

    As in apart from the CMS everything is good. But in game client cata is pretty boring - work on it
  2. Cyclop

    MoonPHPi - Development - Brand new CMS in OOP PHP & MySQLi

    IMO i think it's quite ugly.. But i can tell you have put a lot of effort in to deving this but if you made it more "Habbo" based it would be much better.
  3. Cyclop

    UberCMS Jays Edit

    Index looks good. Would work on cata more though.. but all in all looking good :)
  4. Cyclop


    All the best to that :)
  5. Cyclop

    [HTML5, Canvas, JQuery] MC Run [Release]

    Yh really nice.. Looks like it took you time hehe
  6. Cyclop


    This is really neat.. I like :)