NEW (bootstrap):
I'm trying to keep the same idea as my old theme, but using bootstrap to make everything pretty and mobile friendly.
MY PROBLEM: light navbar or dark??
thanks in advance
temporary demo site up:
Started admin sessions:
I'll be storing them in seperate cookies rather then using the same session as the site.
bootstrap <3
Just to let you know, this thread will be dead for a week or so because i'm working on my...
It was still throwing a me my error for some reason, but i'm just going to assume it's some bug with my users class.
Anyways I'll consider this solved because i'll be going with recaptcha anyways :up:
I have the same problem but my speakers only cut out when i go beyond 70 volume (that's way too loud so it's fine)
I beleive it's because i have too many speakers laced to other wires lel, there's a wattage light flashing on my hub so it's prolly gonna explode.
Screen to gif => Imgur
The quality on it is amazing, although i've never used Gyzao
So I completely scrapped my old getCurrency function as it was useless once i started working on updating user info:
Instead, i now have a function called...