Right, I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm actually fed up of these childish reports. People saying "oh no, there page goes to voting" etc etc.
Can we have a moderator accept the post BEFORE it goes into the section?
Hopefully, this should reduce the amount of childish posts.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as 'good, free DDoS protection'. The world is obbesed with money, no-one will give out a piece of DDoS protection free.
But they're companies that get you back up for cheap prices and/or go through cloudflare.
God, what is NoRegrets problem with members of DevBest? He turned into an allmighty hater.
Wassim & Dolan are sound guys and I agree with what Wassim is saying above.
I'm not commenting for no reason, I'm helping you out. IIS is more secure out the two.
OFT: I don't think you saw the shoutbox yesterday. "Pink2012 is a noob." "Pinky2012 is a major noob". I rest my case.