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  1. jack15988

    [Release] Maintenance Page [RELEASE]

    I like it, thanks for the release
  2. jack15988

    This may be noobish but how do you pm?-_-

    This may be noobish but how do you pm?-_-
  3. jack15988

    A few of problems with my BCstorm r63b retro

    It says 'object not found' ?
  4. jack15988

    A few of problems with my BCstorm r63b retro

    I really cannot remember doing /install.php And when i try /ase it redirects me to /ase/login and comes up with an error: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\app\tpl\class.html.php on line 55
  5. jack15988

    You wake up and see DevBest is gone?

    I am fairly new to the forum but I am shocked at how much better it is then what Otaku was. And I was a massive fan of Otaku.. I would probably cry for a bit;) No but I would be gutted;)
  6. jack15988

    A few of problems with my BCstorm r63b retro

    Whenever I go on me page or any other page my images don't show. For example when I go on me me page I cannot see my avatar but instead a transparent word like document shape. When I try go on my client it goes to /client.php and it needs to be just /client, how do i change this? I cannot...
  7. jack15988

    How to make R63B English!

    AMAZING TUT! Helped me so much! Thanks
  8. jack15988

    Error when making a r63b retro

    I followed a tutorial on a vival site (don't know if I can link it?) it was KyleVonnie it think.. After following all of the steps (including having to use navicat) I get this error(s) when trying to go on to localhost Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given...