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  1. Jo$h

    [VID] The Amazing Horse

    LMAO at Owls :P
  2. Jo$h

    [VID] The Amazing Horse

  3. Jo$h

    [HELP] Can Someone Help Me Makeing An Fansite [HELP]

    I think THIS link might help you find what you need
  4. Jo$h

    Introduction What's Up, I'm 'Quan. 8-)

    Welcome "Back" to Devbest as you were here when we were :) But welcome back hope to see you active :)
  5. Jo$h

    [Thought] iMat?

    A HUGE iPad that is about as big as a bath rug called the iMat? Eventually lead to the iRug, as big as an area rug. ;)
  6. Jo$h

    GFX Signatures (Requests: OPEN)

    Theme: Call Of Duty, If Possible If Not, Habbo Theme Text: Jo$h Size 400 X 100
  7. Jo$h

    [HELP] My CSS Code isn't displaying

    Edit: Fixed! Working once again! - thanks rasta, please close thread.
  8. Jo$h

    [HELP] My CSS Code isn't displaying

    I am having trouble with the background displaying. I have the code below along with my page. I have tried multiple times to get it working. Please help CSS PAGEbody { color: #FFFFFF; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12 px; line-height: 1.4em...
  9. Jo$h

    Future Career?

    well in second grade (Was 7) I wanted to own Microsoft. Now I am settling at opening my own computer business involving software, hosting, web development or web design. I already am a web designer with my own company at 12. I have sold two websites, and am working on learning CSS and Java and...
  10. Jo$h

    Mobile (Cell) phones.

    I'm with Rasta :) The new Samsung Galaxy X looks pretty good, but it's your call.
  11. Jo$h

    [REL] CMS Style layout

    Great Release, I love the innovation, great for the Old Skool Stuff :)
  12. Jo$h


    I need some help Portforwarding. At The Moment, I have to use Hamachi for a V26 RP. I haven't finished setting it up yet, but I was hoping to get some help. EDIT: I use a Modem issued by CenturyLink. Obviously, It only has one connection since I'm using a modem.
  13. Jo$h

    [TheHabbos] How do you like the new site?

    I liked the old site better :-/ it is a good site though.
  14. Jo$h

    Change Blue/ Black Bullets on Sub-Forums

    Can the Navy blue bullet for the sub-forum be changed to a color that can differ from the inactive color, black. Its really hard to tell. Maybe a better Color would be red? Comments?
  15. Jo$h

    [PHP] Image Upload Script

    That Makes no sense, you can't upload files into a database :l . Also, if you have a database you need to edit, I suggest phpmyadmin ;)
  16. Jo$h

    Habbo updates to R55

    Cross-Domain :l Hopefully someone has SWFS somewhere.
  17. Jo$h

    Habbo retros in the future?

    Well, Hopefully someone keeps all the retro files packed away for when Sulake goes bankrupt because 10 year olds won't buy vouchers anymore.
  18. Jo$h

    Old School Retros, whats so bad?

    It depends on the retro really, most old skool owners are noobs as iDream said because they can't make a CMS retro. Some Old Skools are 24/7 Non-Ham, Most are not. It depends on what retro your playing.
  19. Jo$h

    Holo: IFusion r46 (Flash)

    ;) Great Release Rasta, Thanks winter, for decompiling it ;)
  20. Jo$h

    [Release] Topsite Gateway

    a lot of people use this. Maybe add a code like the Facebook select all friends code that you can execute in your browser to bypass it? ;)