Stifler, the best EMU to use with RevCMS is Phoenix. You must Purchase a Phoenix Licence from a Rival Forum, which I am not going to say. Just google it. Also, I think Butterfly EMU can be Edited so it works with RevCMS, I'm not entirely sure. Oh and, If you use a Cracked version of Phoenix...
There's plenty of Tutorials out there. Many of which are on Rival forums. It's not that hard to find a tutorial that explains how to add Custom Furni to your Hotel.
I Agree with CookieMonsta. You can't really watch a Tutorial on how to 'Create' an Emulator. You need to have Knowledge of a Programming Language such as C#, Javascript, etc.
Hey DevBest, I'm Unacceptable. Also known as Josh. I came here for Habbo Retro's, That's what I do and that's what I will be doing for a while! I'm Opening a new Retro soon, which will be posted here on DevBest. I'll be writing Tutorials on How to make Retro's, and how to set things up etc. Be...